This method is used to find square of the numbers in 50s i.e. numbers from 51 to 59.

You can find square of these numbers in three simple steps.

Step 1: Add 25 to the unit’s digit.

Step 2: Square the unit’s digit.

Step 3: Write the answers of step 1 and step 2 together or side by side.

Let’s take an example.


Square of 56

Step 1: Add 25 to the unit’s digit

                6 + 25 = 31

Step 2: Square the unit’s digit

                62 = 36

Step 3: Write the answers of step 1 and step 2 together.

                Answer = 3136


Square of 59

Step 1: Add 25 to the unit’s digit
                9 + 25 = 34

Step 2: Square the unit’s digit

                92 = 81

Step 3: Write the answers of step 1 and step 2 together.

                Answer = 3481


Square of 53.

Step 1: Add 25 to the unit’s digit.

                3 + 25 = 28

Step 2: Square the unit’s digit.

                32 = 9

Step 3: Write answers of step 1 and step 2 together.

                Answer: 2809
                (NOTE: Whenever square of unit’s digit is on only single digit then we are adding 0 before it.)


Square of 52

Step 1: Add 25 to the unit’s digit

                2 + 25 = 27

Step 2: Square the unit’s digit

                22 = 4

Step 3: Write the answers of step 1 and step 2 together.

                Answer = 2704
                (NOTE: Whenever square of unit’s digit is on only single digit then we are adding 0 before it.)