In the following question, a sentence/a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at (A), (B), (C) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, your answer is (D).

Click on the options to check whether it is right or wrong.


31. Sujatha is the prettiest of all the other contestants.

  1. all the contestants
  2. all other contestants
  3. other contestants
  4. No improvement


32. The students were asked to unpack, eat their lunch and relaxing.

  1. unpack, eating their lunch and relaxing
  2. unpack, eat their lunch and relax
  3. unpack, eating lunch and relaxing
  4. No improvement


33. The state Bank is starting a new branch here tomorrow.

  1. beginning
  2. establishing
  3. opening
  4. No improvement


34. He is ill for a week when his brother came.

  1. was ill
  2. has been ill
  3. had been ill
  4. No improvement


35. Who live in glass houses should not throw stones at others.

  1. That who live
  2. There who live
  3. Those who live
  4. No improvement


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